How Evoxyz Technologies Ensures the Safety of Children Like many other great inventions, Evoxyz Technologies was born out of necessity. According to Shilpa Mahna Bhatnagar, the CEO and Co-founder of Evoxyz Technologies, she opened up her company because despite the millions of dollars invested in recreational apps, very little has been done for the development… Read More »
Is the Internet of Things a scary proposition for organizations?
The Internet of Things (IoT) is poised to be the ultimate technology disrupter. Companies are racing to build out Internet of Things businesses, but security is not at the top of the list. When security is considered low priority within any organization, the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. And security is… Read More »
Cybersecurity and the future of smart cars
A few years ago my car was stolen. It was a truly horrific event that still makes me triple-check that all the doors are locked and the alarm is set each time I park. I’ve also experienced having my credit card compromised, my website and Twitter accounts breached, and my checking account hacked, resulting in… Read More »
Apple’s iPhone Encryption Security Battle is Canary in IoT Coal Mine
Are we doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past? With a little luck, we are. I know that sounds rather pessimistic but in light of the current FBI and Apple battle over encryption security, we are standing at a familiar crossroads. Last time, the U.S. avoided widespread security failure was the ill-proposed Clipper Chip… Read More »
In IoT, More Things = Less Security
With the incremental efficiencies we gain with each new technology, there is also incremental potential for hackers to exploit the newfound vulnerabilities introduced. Fortunately, as the Internet of Things (IoT) advances, so does the knowledge of the many vulnerabilities discovered – many of which are hopefully remedied before they make hacking headlines. So what IoT… Read More »
Internet of Things Will Only Become A Thing Once It’s Secure
IoT is all about sharing data and is getting a lot of attention lately from every consumer electronics manufacturer, but it is also being scrutinized for security concerns. In order for IoT to succeed as a widely adopted standard, it must comply with 3 different market barriers: price, compatibility and security. Since price and compatibility are decisions… Read More »
Drone Hacking Taken To New Heights
Hacking Over the Internet, Wirelessly, and From the AirHacking is achieved in many forms. One might think of hackers breaking into computer networks remotely over the internet to shut down critical infrastructure. This has been proven out with the Stuxnet hacking of Iran’s nuclear reactor where it suffered a major blow when the U.S. and Israel… Read More »
IoT Hackers Are Just High-Tech Cat Burglars
Keeping our families and homes safe is essential in this uncertain world we live in. I often find myself double checking my deadbolt, alarm, and lights before I leave home. Yes, I am one of those paranoid home owners that put the alarm stickers on every window, and of course, I make sure no newspapers… Read More »